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WNCCHS Coat & Shoe Drive

The WNCCHS Care Management team will be holding another coat and shoe drive for our patients.

As the weather begins to get colder, we receive a lot of requests from patients for cold weather clothing, most commonly coats and shoes. We expect the need to continue to grow as we move closer to winter. We would love to be able to expand our capacity to meet these needs so we will be hosting a second internal coat and shoe drive to be able to help meet patient needs.

We’re asking staff to contribute any lightly used coats and shoes that they are willing to donate and bring them to the care management offices in the basement of Minnie Jones.

We also ask that these items are washed/cleaned before donating as we don’t have the resources available to wash items. Please reach out to Karen Ives ( (828) 285-0622 Ext. 2404) with questions.

Thanks for your generosity! 😊

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